Saturday, December 10, 2011

Ancient Religions

  This is a spontaneous post, like many I will write, that will be inspired by something I see on television; usually on History channel. And these will always be subject to updating.

  Today, I'm watching a show about angels and their origins. I have often noticed a trend in these shows that the History channel produces on religion. They work very hard to minimize Christianity and its root of Judaism.
  They try to say that the Jewish faith, and therefore the Christian faith, originated not from the initial relationship that God has had with mankind beginning with Adam and Eve, but from other "older" religions such as Zoroastrianism which contains a single entirely good god and an entirely evil one who is in serpentine form. That religion also has angelic beings similar to ours and some have similar names (Cherubs vs. Kerubs). I understand that these people don't have a relationship in truth with God and that's why they are so easily led astray. I just wish that they would consider the truth, even if they just portrayed it as an alternate idea that could stand on it's own rather than a religious soup that has pulled from other religions for all of it's central ideas.
  The truth is this; that God created mankind for relationship with Him at the beginning of creation and has walked with mankind throughout history.
  These "intellectuals" have it exactly backward. As the population of the earth expanded and people began to move throughout the world, they took these teachings with them. Before man developed the written word, it was told orally, and anyone who has ever played the rumor game knows how that can turn out.
  So, what makes Jews and ultimately Christians, different? The difference is that through Abraham, Jews sought after truth and a relationship with the one true God, until God Himself gave Moses the first 5 books of the Old Testament to be written down and therefore made firm.
  The writings of Moses and the prophets who followed were verified in truth by the prophesied birth, life and death of Jesus, the Christ. This fact negates who put their belief system in physical writing first, because none other was given to them by the one true God who had the power to back it up!

1 comment:

  1. Great post Mike. I too watch the history channel and find it amazing how the documentaries on Jesus Christ are down played or even show as "fables" that originated from other world religions. God bless, Lloyd
