Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Judging people as a Christian

Some of my friends may recognize this post from my facebook page, but I thought this would also be a good place for it... 

   We often hear that as Christians, we are not supposed to judge others. I was reading in 1 Corinthians chap. 5, and Paul makes it clear that we are not to judge those who are outside the church, meaning those who do not claim to be saved by God's grace. However, we are called to judge those who claim salvation through Jesus Christ. For a man who was liiving an openly sexually immoral lifestyle, Paul told the Corinthian church to put him out of their fellowship and to not even eat with him. Why would he say that? Because we are supposed to stand apart from those who are not saved and live an example that would lead others to Christ. Now that doesn't mean to kick someone out of the church because they make a mistake here and there, that would include us all. It is refering to someone who is unrepentant in their sin.
   We should also be sure, that when we "put someone out of our fellowship", that we first confront that person in the mannor that the Bible describes and give him a chance to repent from the bad behavior. Our Jobs as Christians is to hold each other accountable and love the lost into the family of God.

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